Magic rush heroes characters
Magic rush heroes characters

magic rush heroes characters

Royals Who Actually Do Something: Turns out Alleria Swiftwind, a hero in the original Kingdom Rush, is the only surviving member of Aredhel's royal family.The more you level her up, the more arrows she'll shoot. Multishot: Her ability which is aptly named.well, Multishot.Loyal Animal Companion: Her wildcat, which appears to have been in her side since Origins.

magic rush heroes characters

Hit-and-Run Tactics: Alleria is pretty squishy.Hero Antagonist: She appears as an enemy in Vengeance where you control Vez'nan's army.She indirectly fights in the Gryphon Point level but isn't controllable. Guest-Star Party Member: In Origins, she only appears in the Royal Gardens level.Distracted by the Sexy: Her character bio says that "Too many have fallen by her charming gaze", indicating that she has this effect in-universe.

magic rush heroes characters

  • Cool Pet: Her Call of the Wild ability allows her to summon a wildcat to fight alongside her.
  • Bow and Sword in Accord: Alleria has both ranged and melee attacks.
  • Beauty Equals Goodness: Her description says that she is beautiful, and her status confirms this trope.
  • An Adventurer Is You: Alleria is a DPS hero.
  • Ambadassador: After escaping from the Gnolls in Origins, she became the elves' official ambassador to Linirea, remaining there to this day.
  • Status Buff: The ability Courage gives friendly units additional armor and damage.
  • Stab the Sky: Gerald does this whenever he spawns/levels up.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: His armor shines like his eyes.
  • Or so you think - Vengeance reveals that he's a haughty jerk who underestimates his enemies.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Like all stereotypical knights.
  • Hero Antagonist: He appears as a boss enemy in Vengeance where you control Vez'nan's army.
  • Boss Battle: He's the boss of the penultimate level of Vengeance.
  • Blue Is Heroic: He has a blue colour scheme.
  • Attack Reflector: The ability Retribution reflects damage back to any enemies that attack Gerald.
  • An Adventurer Is You: Gerald is a tank hero.

  • Magic rush heroes characters