So after considering the more recent second thread (QUOTE ".Set the format to.ExFAT if you wish to use it with both Mac (10.6 or later) and Windows.MBR is an old Windows partition scheme which can be used on both Mac and Windows" UNQUOTE), I have taken the following steps: The first thread may be out-of-date considering the reply was made in 2013. Re: How do I format external Seagate 4 tb HD "ExFAT"? from NTFS How can i change a video clip format that will play on a PC to play on my MAC My Issue: I have not been able to find an article in Apple Support to address this specific objective.

It makes sense to store them on an USB so that all my videos are on a single storage device which can be used on both MAC and PC. I would also like to play those videos on my friend's Windows PC during my visit to his home.

My Objective: I have MP4 videos stored on my HD which plays well on my MAC. My System: Intel iMAC, retina 4k, late 2015 running on El Capitan OS X 10.11.6.